Parish Council

2024 Parish Council

Presiding Priest: Fr. Luke A. Veronis

President: Joseph Gliniecki
Vice President: Bradley Curving
Secretary: Diane Hicks
Treasurers:  Leah DiDonato and Nick Popiak

Mitch Bodnarchuk
Tina Colello
Artic Gavala
Christian Giotas
Harry Kofidis
Sandi Kunkel
Jared Quill
Evelyn Pappas
Jake Peters

Understanding the Role of the Parish Council

The Parish Council is the administrative body of a Church community elected by its stewards for the purpose of working together with the Parish Priest or Proistamenos in fulfilling the mission and goals of that particular community.

This brief description of the local governing body of a Parish also explains a fundamental aspect of the structure of the Orthodox Church. Both clergy and laity are the “People of God,” who seek by the grace of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission entrusted to them to live and proclaim the Holy Gospel and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church. Historically, clergy and laity have worked together in dealing with matters of the Church’s life. The Parish Council is an example of the synergy of clergy and laity; it is a vehicle for implementing the ongoing mission of the Church and planning the necessary strategies, policies, procedures, and activities that will enable the Parish to move forward in accomplishing God’s work.

As a member of the Parish Council, it is important to remember that you have been elected to serve a special ministry which requires total love, loyalty, and dedication to Christ and His Church. You are now an official representative of the Church and thus are expected to
exert every effort to exemplify its sacred character and spirit. Upon election to this trusted office, you assumed three basic obligations which will help guide you in your ministry:

1. To understand, live by, and uphold the tenets, teachings, and traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church;

2. To understand and abide by the GOAA Regulations (formerly known as the UPR) as set forth by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of
America through the Clergy-Laity Congresses.

3. To live by and uphold your oath of office by utilizing your God-given time, talents, and treasures for the spiritual progress and advancement
of your parish.

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